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August 1,2022
Hey you!
Many friends, family, and even strangers have asked how on earth did I get a three year old and six year old to write books and actually have them published at major retailers.  I’d say it was quite easy, actually. 
It started with making 5 minute bedtime stories a daily routine for us. Even with the exhausting 1 hour commute from work each night, it was the bonding time I got to spend with the kids.  Next came wine 🙂 
Since launching a publishing company, I’ve talked to countless aspiring authors about getting their books published, along with their children.  In doing so, it was necessary for me to create a space for young authors to first learn what it takes to create the book, and then the strategy for getting it published. 
I’m so elated to offer our first Emerging Author Workshop to you!

The Workshop will consist of a 4 week program for $49.99 to assist your child in becoming an author. 

Spaces are LIMITED and I’m sharing this workshop with our special family and friends first before opening it up for everyone. 

Tickets will go on sale on March 1st.  Don’t be LATE 🙂

Peace and Love


The Journal Joy Team



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